Sunlit Badger Cub

A badger cub emerges from the sett in the last rays of evening sunshine. Derbyshire, Peak District National Park. Despite the incredibly harsh summer we’ve had this year, this family of badgers seem to have done very well. During the harshest weather I had been putting out a small amount of food and water at this sett and several others which really seemed to have helped.

Badger Cub – About Badgers:

Badgers are largely nocturnal and extremely shy but remain one of the UK’s favourite mammals. Highly sociable creatures, they live together in large underground setts, typically with many entrances. Many believe the best way to identify an active sett is by the entrance hole, as badgers typically favour a characteristic sideways ‘D’ shape entrance. However the entrance shape can be misleading as many animals can occupy old setts. Badgers, foxes, rabbits and even otters have all been known to take over each others old burrows. Actually one of the best ways to tell is by fresh piles of dirt outside, Badgers are voracious diggers and are constantly expanding their setts. 

You can find more about the badger here


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A badger cub emerges from the sett in the last rays of evening sunshine. Peak District wildlife photography. Badger Photography workshops.


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